Chat Masala

Try this chat masala with fruit chat or traditional dahi bhalla chat

4 table spoons jeera (cumin seeds)
1 level teaspoon black pepper (kali mirch) powder
1 level teaspoon black rock salt
1/2 teaspoon table salt
1/2 teaspoon green chillies dried and ground OR red chilly powder

Dried mint powder to taste

Roast half the cumin seeds in a pan till dark brown. Mix with remaining cumin seeds and grind.
Mix all other ingredients with this mixture.

(Chilly powder is optional and to your taste)

It will give its aroma  to mixed fruit chat when some lemon juice. Can also be used to flavour potato chat, i.e. boiled potatoes mixed with bananas and boiled sweet potatoes. This is also the mixture for jal jeera and is added to golgappa water.


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